One Minute Copy Coach: Keep Readers on the Right Side of Their Brains

What a weird profession we have chosen. Our job consists of asking people to give up their hard-earned money in return for nothing more than a chance to feel really good about themselves for a little while.Because our request is irrational, it's vital that we keep donors and prospects focused on the emotional side of our case for giving.Most experts agree that negative emotions invoke evoke strong responses and make readers want to take action. But getting people stir it up is only half the story. To turn those powerful feelings into gifts, you have to give readers a satisfying release as well.First, you create tension and suspense, with a compelling description of the urgent challenge you face, then you offer blessed relief by reminding them how wonderful they will feel when they gift makes a positive resolution possible.Negative Motivators      FearAngerGuiltGreed Positive ResolutionsLoveCompassionFaithA Sense of DutyFeelings are powerful. Powerful enough to overcome the most compelling logic. There is no rational reason for your readers to give you money with no tangible reward in return. But the promise of emotional satisfaction will make that so-called logic seem to them like the most unimportant thing in the world. 


The Long and Short of Letter Length


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